WREG 6.10.2 [free]


Livestreaming, breaking news notifications, and all the local news you want from WREG in a fast, high-performance app.
Watch and read stories at the same time -- the video plays as you scroll. Be the first to know with breaking news alerts, and find out what's happening in your area with
News Near Me.
Never miss any WREG news - you can livestream our newscasts right from your phone or tablet. Save stories to read later, and share easily to Facebook, Twitter, and other
social networks.
Get a head start on your day with WREG traffic and weather maps. Enter our latest contests and promotions right from your phone, and catch up on all your favorite segments
from WREG-TV.
Please note: This app features Nielsen’s proprietary measurement software which contributes to market research, like Nielsen’s TV Ratings. Please see
http://priv-policy.imrworldwide.com/priv/mobile/us/en/optout.html for more information.

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